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Bring 1⁄2 gallon of milk (whole or low fat) to a beginning boil in pot.

Immediately remove from heat. Remove lid if used. Wait approximately one hour. Milk should then be cool enough; test with pinky or thermometer (115 degrees.)

Add 2 tablespoons of room temperature plain yogurt (Greek or regular.) Quick stir only a few seconds with the yogurt spoon.

Cover pot with lid (can cover with towel.) Place in warm area. DO NOT DISTURB.

After 8 – 12 hours, you have yogurt. If liquid is noticed on top, don’t worry. This is the whey. You can simply stir it in, remove and use it in smoothies, if you want a “Greek,” i.e., thicker yogurt. Refrigerate and remember to set a small amount aside for the next batch. Add fruits and flavors to each serving as desired. Enjoy!